

 Some things make you laugh
Maybe fond remembrances
Or being tickled


Why do we have dogs?
I think because they love us
Even when we don’t


I never met you
I read your poetry
And that is enough


Why do you fear us?
We make everything we want
Came to show you how


A gentle whisper
A messenger from heaven
Gives more than I asked

My name is Von Smith, I have written nearly 4,000 haiku this year.  My website is:  https://2thinkis2be.wordpress.com/   Above the Noise.  I also write other forms of poetry, short stories, and have two work-in-progress novels.  My love is  my wife; my view is prosaic; I like to read and to binge (the gerund of binge could be binging, but that is too close to Bing ing😉 quality series, and watching engaging movies.

If you would like to have your work published in The Poetry Bar send your poem, a few words about yourself and the link to your blog to the e-mail poetrybar1@gmail.com

6 thoughts on “Haiku

  1. I especially liked ‘Enough’; I’m a bit of an introvert, so I try to open up a little with poetry. Nice post!

  2. “I never met you
    I read your poetry
    And that is enough”

    I’m gonna remember that one!

  3. “Some things make you laugh
    Maybe fond remembrances
    Or being tickled”

    I love this one. It so captures the experience of being tickled!

  4. I think “Enough” is just what every poet feel..beautiful job!

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