Cold Wind

My heart sensed the freeze in that air,
Yet this chill wasn’t from mine heart.
Yet this warm coffee in one hand,
Failed to remove her coldness.

Yet with coffee in hand,
The nectar missing from the other.
Where her smile would be,
Is now unsilenced emptiness.

The one cup, bitter, sugarless,
All the sweetness resting within her eyes.
As the day grew, the sun hid,
Dark clouds now masking the truth.
– Aman Huda

I’m a young, 17-year old poet, drawing inspiration from the likes of Urdu masters Mirza Ghalib and Faiz Ahmed Faiz and famed American poet Emily Dickinson. Along with English, I usually write poems in Urdu and one can read some more of my verses at

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4 thoughts on “Cold Wind

  1. warm-voiced, sweet verse

    1. Thank you! 🙂

  2. Beautiful poetry…

    1. Most appreciated.

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