Positivity Press #19

A warm hello from South Africa, guys and girls! 

My message to you all is: Stay + 


I am speaking from my own experience when I say, I have no job certainty after July.  When a potential relationship came my way after years, it ended before it began. I am Type 1 Diabetic and recently I have taken two steps forward with my eating habits, and I’ve had moments just as recently when it felt like I took three steps backwards. My family is going through relational struggles and on top of that finances are not the best they have ever been.

That is my sob story which you may relate to. However, I choose to make these positive affirmations:

I will receive employment from the end of July onwards. 

I have been patient and I will meet the right person soon.

I will make healthy choices when it comes to my eating habits and physical activity. 

My family will heal relationally and we will get on our feet again.

My encouragement to anybody dealing with any negativity at this moment is to acknowledge it and then decide by faith that it is not the end, that things will change for the best. Each dream you have is valid and can come true.

If you want to share positivity here at The Positivity Press send in your positive news with pics and the link to your blog (if you want) to postpositivity@gmail.com

5 thoughts on “Positivity Press #19

  1. Humbled that you would share my story. Thank you for fueling this community of positivity and gathering similar minds. ✨✨✨

  2. There is something to be said for keeping a positive attitude.

    1. ❤️ I agree Lulu

  3. Needed this today. Thank you <3

    1. ❤️ I’m blessed to know that

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