Hall of Mirrors

Walking with a grin,
plastered on my face.
Slowly stepping,
through time and space.
Reflections of a tattered soul,
reveal broken parts,
of a sum-less whole.
A familiar stare,
bears down on me.
A twisted version,
an absurd facsimile.
Halfway inside,
on a broken track.
A disorted dopelganger,
tries to drag me back.
A soliloquy of grief,
plays out before me.
Tangled emotions,
create a blurred story.
The experience brings a haze,
and fogs my perception.
A trip down a maze,
of intense introspection.

My name is Jesse, I am a writer. I post both poetry and mental health pieces about my own struggles and journey on my blog here: https://oneregulardad.home.blog/


If you would like to have your work published in The Poetry Bar send your poem, a few words about yourself and the link to your blog and Instagram account to the e-mail poetrybar1@gmail.com

5 thoughts on “Hall of Mirrors

  1. This is beautiful Jesse! One should keep walking, with or without the grin….because eventually that will take you into the light! Beautiful introspection into one’s soul……

  2. Thank you. I plan on writing a second part of this that expresses just that. I just felt that an incomplete ending was more realistic. The path to light can sometimes take us through some pretty dark times.

  3. Absolutely love your flow and easy rhythm!

  4. This is beautifully done, I love it 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  5. i like this one, like the flow of it, reads really well.

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