Rise and shine

Rise and shine, it’s time to conquer the week!

My life has been shitty in all aspects lately but I am fighting it with extreme positivity and looking like I am not stressy depress lately.


I have to force myself to be in this state, but I am doing it. As soon as I manage to resolve some things that are happening, you know damn well I will post a whole description with details here. Hopefully it will be soon.

I woke up early today, even though I start working at noon. I decided to wake up early to install some discipline back into my life because I have been lacking it. I am also getting back to working out at least two times a week because I really need to blow off steam every now and then. I think I should start going to the gym before I start taking my issues out on people.

The reason why I need to get some discipline back into my life is because I need to start studying again. You all know I got my certificate in Digital Marketing but you also know I am nowhere near working in that field so I am studying at home to enhance my knowledge and skills so that when a job opportunity presents itself I can be ready. Also, I need to start focusing on my Italian and Spanish. It has been more than a year since I left my university and I can feel my language competence just going away. I put a lot on my plate but focusing on work sometimes helps me gain clarity regarding some issues going on in my life.

Anyways that’s it from me today. Poetry posts will be up on the blog as always. Don’t forget to send your submissions for The Poetry Bar to

Sending love and positive vibes,

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