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In Need of Book Recommendations

So guys I need some advice from you. Since I quit my studying of Italian and Spanish at the University I have been trying my best to keep in touch with the languages. Learning a foreign language is like growing a new muscle and you have to practice it if you want it to stay in shape.

I need all of you from the Spanish, Italian and Portuguese speaking countries to give me some recommendations on books and movies and TV shows I should read/watch. If you also speak those languages and have some recommendations just write them down, it will be so helpful to me.

I have been reading one book in Italian from Mauro Corona, I have been listening to a whole bunch of Spanish music and I have been watching a Portuguese TV show on Youtube but I need some more and honestly I need something interesting and contemporary and who better to help me than you guys!

Thank you sooooo much for your attention and I can’t wait to see what recommendations you will send my way!

Sending love and positive vibes,

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