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Hello everyone!

I didn’t think I would ever do this type of post, but I think it was necessary. Just to point out at the beginning, I do not have Corona but my heart and prayers go out to everyone that is currently ill, in a hospital or in quarantine.

Croatia has been affected by the virus and it is spreading but the condition is not as bad and as devastating as in Italy. Our government is already agreeing to closing schools and kindergartens but we do have some issues with closing our borders because we import a lot of our food from other countries, Italy included.

I am not a doctor and do not have any expertise in this area, but please if your country or city have been affected by the virus, try your best to stay inside as much as possible and to wash your hands as often as you can. You can also buy sanitizers which are pocket size and carry them around in your purse or jacket. Please, follow the guidelines that your government has issued regarding your health and protection from the virus.

If you have a car, please use it to travel to work and avoid public transportation or any type of business trips. I think that the awareness is on a high level regarding this virus and that companies are being more careful. I know that in Croatia a lot of my friends who travel for business had their trips cancelled as a safety precaution. Avoid public gatherings, do not go out partying, avoid being in crowds in general.

If you have any type of flu like symptoms, please do not go directly to a hospital and please do not go to work or to school. Contact your doctor first if you are suspecting you have the virus and let him explain to you how to proceed. If not necessary, do not go to hospitals or spend any time in doctor’s waiting rooms.

If you notice that the virus spread in your country is fast, please do stock up on food and other items which will be necessary if you will have to go into quarantine. No safety measure is too much of a safety measure. Also, if you know of older people who might not be in condition to prepare themselves for quarantine, please help them buy groceries.

As I said I am not a doctor, these are just the guidelines that the Croatia government and all others have issued. I hope that you are safe and healthy and that you will remain that way.

Sending love and positive vibes,

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