I can’t

I know I wrote a post about gratefulness and I am still waiting for all of your lovely comments, but today I need to complain a little bit.
In the last 4 days I got sinusitis, I am drinking 3 different kind of pills, one of which is an antibiotic, I feel like I am high and my head is constantly spinning, I have some crazy shifts to work in the next week, I still don’t have my New Years outfit, I am working a double shift on Monday, then going to a New Years Eve party and then I am working the next day and this morning, sorry if this is too much information, I got my period.
If someone out there is stabbing the vodoo doll with my face on it please calm the fuck down, I want to survive this year.

I just had the need to complain because I am in so much pain and under so much medication I am feeling very emotional all the time.

Make sure to write in the comments what have you been grateful for this year because it would really make me happy and also pray for me because my luck is so great I think I could break a leg or something soon.
I can’t.

26 thoughts on “I can’t

  1. I am grateful for my niece being born into this world 6 months ago and I am grateful for the support from all the wonderful poets on WordPress including Luna.

  2. Vitamin C and hot jasmine tea will help you!

    1. Thank you for the advice 😊

      1. Another good advice to better start of the New Year. Write on separate sheets next: I have negative thoughts about myself, I have bad luck, I’m superstitious, Then crush them and burn them. Be careful not to make a fire at home. Do this while listening Boney M – Mary’s Boy Child/ Oh My Lord! 🙂

      2. Interesting advice, I will try it 😀

  3. Me? I’m grateful I’ve made it through another year! Have been in and out of hibernation since returning from little blisters place south of the inkwell hq. Hope you have a wonderful new year Luna…

  4. I am grateful that I am alive……
    I am also grateful of people around me
    Also grateful of God, that He gave me everything in my life that I even never asked for.
    I am also grateful of your poetrybar initiative
    The only thing I expect from my self next year is hardwork, dedication, determination and discipline. Also will try myself to be more humble, truthful and honest.
    May God give you guidance and good health and also hope that you will pray for me as well.

  5. You’ll be okay..

  6. Plenty of fluids, chicken soup broth, steam showers however no alcohol- sorry.
    btw; I’m grateful to still be alive and share it with people like yourself and to write. Get well soon. ; )

  7. I’m grateful that out of the millions of years the Earth has been alive, I’m a part of a time where thoughts can be shared freely and modern medicine does not include maggots 😉
    Feel better soon!

  8. Oh Luna, I’m sorry you have so much ugh just now. You are so kind to all of us. Whatever you wear for New Year’s Eve I’m sure you’ll look stunning as your beautiful spirit will light you from within! Try to make time for a hot bubble bath (the steam will be good for your sinuses) and rest as much as you can between your shifts. My thoughts are with you for all good things, suzanne 🌷

    1. Thank you soooo much 😊

  9. Best thing for sinusitis is lots of fluids, hot steam showers, and a ton of Vitamin C. I had surgery last year to open a blocked sinus, it’s not fun 🙁 feel better!

  10. Having a gratitude attitude and I’m grateful to be breathing. I’m so Happy and grateful to share my feelings. I hope and pray you have a better day and a much more better one tomorrow.
    Stay positive and Stay focused. You got this!

    1. Thank you for your comment 😀

  11. Awww, no! Poor you! Sinusitis is such a bad thing to have! 🙁 I feel you and I really hope it will get better soon. I’ll cross my fingers for you. <3 Did you try to inhale steamy hot air yet? I usually boil hot water and then put a blanket over my head and breathe in the hot air. It always helps to get the sinuses free.

    1. I inhaled steamy tea. Thank you very much for your concern 😀

  12. I wish you speedy recovery.

  13. You’re going to be fine. It’s all better from here. One Z pack and three glasses of champagne later, and you’ll be feeling fine.
    Happy New Year

    1. Thanks, to you too 😀

  14. Hahaha!!! Forgive me. I’m not laughing at your pain. But at your sense of humor. That, is what I’m grateful for right there😂.

    I hope you find a cool NYE outfit and feeling better when you put it on. Happy New Year 🎉😷

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