Feeling Empty

has life 
on my last nerve

let me check
am I still here

do I really
want to know
what life means to me

or am I done
with feeling
empty emotions

and fickle people’s
trying attempt
at connection

that misses
to engage

i fear i’m done

Susi Bocks has self-published two books – Feeling Human and Every Day I Pause. Currently, she is an Associate Editor at the virtual coffee shop – Fictional Café. You can find her work at IWriteHer.com or follow on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MyHumanityInWrittenForm/, where she invites you to read her thoughts and get to know her. Bocks had some of her work previously published at VitaBrevis, Spillwords, Literary Yard, as well as other literary magazines. 


If you would like to have your work published in The Poetry Bar send your poem, a few words about yourself and the link to your blog and Instagram account to the e-mail poetrybar1@gmail.com

7 thoughts on “Feeling Empty

  1. That poem reminds of my 20’s. It resonated strongly with me.

    1. This was me a few times in my life. Glad to hear you only experienced this in your 20s.

      1. Well I suffer from anxiety and depression but I haven’t felt like the way your poem describes in almost 30 years, I want to thank my wife of 6 yrs (9 yrs together) for that fullness 🙂

      2. Here’s to partners who help us feel better! <3

  2. This is exactly how I feel right now

  3. Very nice. I too fear ‘Am I done’?

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