First Christmas Gift

Hello everyone!

Today, I just decided to ramble on about my first Christmas gift of the year. As you all know I became a Community Manager for a company in my hometown and we have this new project – we are opening a web shop. Since I need a new phone, I asked them about this phone I wanted so that I can order it from our supplier and in the end they ended up buying it for me as a Christmas gift since I am their community manager. I know, they are the best.


I love this phone, it’s Xiaomi MI 9 Lite and, since I am an Instagram enthusiast and a community manager you know I need a good camera on my phone and this one is amazing. I usually always bought Samsung, it’s my phone of choice, but I am glad I switched it up a bit.

Anyways, I am so grateful for my second job and this great gift. I know I have a long way to go and a lot of studying to do before becoming an digital marketing expert (I got my certificate in Digital Marketing btw) but I think that I am off to a good start.

So, let me know what are your plans for Christmas, what are you buying to your loved ones, what is on your Christmas list and what has been going on with you lately?

Sending love and positive vibes,


P.S. here are some pics I took with my new phone:

10 thoughts on “First Christmas Gift

  1. It’s great to get a gift. I am also thinking about buying a new phone for a long time as my phone is now not working properly. I also need a phone with a great camera but can’t decide. Photos taken by you are lovely.

  2. Enjoy your new toy/tool/companion

  3. Great phone, even better picture it takes, did you photoshop it……
    My best gift for Christmas is that my mother is gets better. So good health for all the people I love is my wish. Economically I´m not in a position to give out gifts.
    By the way I was just kidding about the photoshop, you look great and good luck with your new job. Quite a lot of responsibility so my guess is that they don’t hire just anyone for that job. Good luck.

  4. We are fortunate to be going out to others’ homes for Christmas and Boxing Day meals. No hard work hosting for us this year. As to gifts, we tend to make the gift an experience or time spent with loved ones. We have been of the opinion for many years that Christmas is not about the stuff. Besides, our travel is our gift to ourselves. Perhaps some good Belgian chocolate in our Christmas stockings. Gifts for others tend to be home made as well….Christmas baking for one son and wife and coupons for travel (travel points) and pet sitting for the other son and wife. Home made photo Christmas cards, ingredients for Chai tea making, etc. Cheers and Merry Christmas. Allan

  5. Community Manager is a job position just for you. You are very dedicated in communication with people. Christmas vibes! 🎁😀

  6. In all you do, I enjoy your use of the oft forgotten typewriter best.
    Merry Christmas, may all your hearts wishes come true, even if I’m not one of them. ;-p

  7. Very nice! Sounds like the job is continuing to go well too. Congrats to you and for you!

  8. I love getting new phones! They’re so much fun to tinker with. Have fun with it.

  9. you look good
    your phone has a good camera

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