
You are my everything and that’s not all I have to say
You make me smile, you wipe away my tears and YOU make my day.
Through the storms and disasters of life, all I want is you by my side.
So that we can show the world that, ‘US’ being together is nothing to hide.

Your silence is too loud every time I hear it.
Your voice is music to my ears and your smile is a shimmer that makes my inner sparkle, lit.
You make me blush and make my tears evaporate.
Like the contentment of a sparrow after finding its mate.

There’s nothing as important and as stunning as you.
Your eyes are like diamonds that sparkle in the blue.
Your lips are so luscious they make me feel all undone.
Your hair is always glistening like bullion in the sun.
And that look you give, I simply don’t know what to do.
Other than bound and scream and make people go ‘shhhooo’!

I could go on about you and the way you make me feel.
And babe you have always been the ameliorate to make my heart heal.
Being with you makes me feel like my life is systemized and done.
To the world today and forever. I proudly declare that Dearest, YOU are my Number 1.

Hi! My name is G.M.L. I am a teen and I love writing poetry. Its been my childhood dream to become a world-renowned poetess. I got an amazing opportunity to share my talent of writing poetry with the world when I discovered WordPress and its been an amazing journey ever since. I hope that my poetry will bring joy to those reading it and thank you so much, Luna, for this chance.
If you would like to have your work published in The Poetry Bar send your poem, a few words about yourself and the link to your blog to the e-mail poetrybar1@gmail.com

2 thoughts on “Him

  1. I love this💫

  2. Thank you so much Luna..for the chance!

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