Changing the blog

Hello everyone!

I wish a happy holiday to everyone, I hope you are having a wonderful time. I know I already feel fat with all of the food my mother has been preparing lately. Also, I finally have days off work so I can be at home, with my family, rest and dedicate my time to my blog.

This last part is what I actually want to speak to you about. At the end of each year my brain, without my complete consent, starts to compare my life a year ago to my life today and I realized that my months of dedicating to much of my time and energy to my jobs and going through writer’s block has resulted in ny blog engagement and quality to decrease. The quality decrease is not referring to The Poetry Bar submissions, they are actually what keeps our community going, but the content I have been uploading is not what it was before and I feel very bad and guilty about it.

I am growing up, I do not have as much time as I had during my uni days but still this is not an excuse. I had big plans for this blog and for us as a community, I wanted us to expand and I neglected this blog because I was chasing paychecks and stressing about my jobs even when I had days off.

To sum this up, I decided to GET MI SHIT TOGETHER! Any time you feel like I am absent or that I am neglecting you, call me out on that. Write down in the comments that I am being a bad blogger again, keep me accountable for my actions.

I decided to change the blog a bit when it comes to my personal posts. I will still be posting my poetry work because poetry is life, but I will also dedicate more posts to my love for dressing up which you could have noticed on Instagram where I post my poetry works typed on my typewriter Olivia and my outfits. I am no fashion blogger but I do like dressing up because as much as I express myself through poetry I express myself through clothes and the way I look. The instagram:

Also, I thought of starting a little column type of thing. Before I would upload these longer posts on Saturdays where I would ramble on about stuff I thought about and wanted to share with you. Yesterday while reviewing my blog I came up with the idea to make a series called Coffee date with Luna. Here I would resuscitate those columns of mine and discuss different topics from what happens in my life to whatever you would like to read about and we would have discussions in the comment section because  I love it when you leave comments and talk to each other. I even thought of filming videos and posting them for the Coffee Date but I am not making this promise yet. I will still stick to my keyboard and not to a camera. Make sure to write down in the comments what you think about this idea and what would you like to read about during out Coffee dates!

I have seriously been rambling on in this post. Anyway, this is all I had to say blog wise for the upcoming year. Whenever I will be changing something, I will let you know. Can’t wait to see your comments!

Sending love and positive vibes,


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