
Do not send
Your address
Do not pretend
I know
Where this will lead
I am stronger than the previous
Without cancellation
But without notice
I have an idea for you
That may grow out of control
But you will like it
Then we may change
And another merry wanderer
Will find us together
How solemn to be bewitched
How wondrous to be alone
I cannot complete it
Distress makes a tone
It is sound off sound on again
And the cycle is Hertzian
In knowledge we may find something
Little, something
But don’t bother settling
Unless you have,
Don’t bother
None of it adds up
When the arrows point at each other
But brothers know some things
I don’t care where it ends up
In the garbage is fine with me
But melt the planet while you’re at it, please
Discordant residue of somnolence
Send me an easier day job
I beg of you, send me something easy
I can do it
I can’t do it
I won’t remember who I am
Then to the nurse
And turn around
And the smile on her face
I wonder why you showed up
When I did not
And there is my curse, waiting for me outside
Without knowledge
I can resist temptation
But with success, I crave both
Have a heart, and let go
It won’t kill you
But when it does…
varjak(Baby) lives in (filthy) California and works in (corrupt) pharmaceuticals. He writes poetry recreationally and can be found at where he keeps track of his life when he can find it and writes poetry all other times. He loves meeting new people unless they are whiney, egomaniacal, argumentative, disrespectful, or abusive. Hello from him to you

If you would like to have your work published in The Poetry Bar send your poem, a few words about yourself and the link to your blog to the e-mail

5 thoughts on “Delete

  1. Wowww beautiful lines Luna 🖤
    Beautiful stuff mate ✔️💯

    1. I agree, but not my lines. All credits to the author Varjak

      1. Cool !!
        Thank you for this share ☺️

  2. Superb!! Thanks for sharing with us.

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