Monday still sucks

Sooooooo… Monday has proven itself to be a shitty day yesterday again.

Do you all remember how in one of my Youtube videos I told you that I have issues with my knees, especially the right one and that I have to see an orthopedist? Well, if you don’t remember, now you know. I finally booked my appointment and they asked me if I could ask my doctor to send me to do a x-ray of my knees to speed up the process and also because their x-ray machine was damaged during the earthquake.

I finally got my doctor’s office yesterday and she gave me the referral and now I have to book my x-ray appointment as well before I go to the orthopedist.

And la-di-da I fell yesterday and I landed on the stair with my right knee. Fuck. I have this ugly bruise on my knee now and it looks like a little horn on my knee. That’s just my luck, I guess. I hope I didn’t damage it more. I am going to blame this on a Monday and not me walking up the stairs with my eyes glued to my phone. It really hurts!

So let’s see what Tuesday has to bring.

How has your week started?

Sending love and positive vibes,

Latest Poem: Poem #369
Youtube videos: Luna’s channel
Latest Coffee Date: Fading Passion
Latest #savingme: Montenegro is a country
Life updates: Don’t hate me

5 thoughts on “Monday still sucks

  1. Ugh. I hope your knee gets better and that x-rays will show a minimum damage if any at all. 🙏 As far as Monday goes… fortunately it is already behind us. Left behind to be devoured by oblivion. I guess we all have that going for us. 😉

  2. Susan M Strasser May 25, 2021 — 7:26 pm

    My week has started great! I had a slower Monday then usual yesterday and am super grateful for that/

  3. hang in there!

  4. Gosh, I hope it’s nothing to serious.

  5. I pray that all went well, believe me w/ a torn meniscus, I can relate.

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