Abused children’s lullaby

Hey there little sleepy girl!
Tonight daddy didn’t fall asleep on the curb.
He is home, punching mom, breaking stuff, cursing hard.
Be a good girl as mommy said and hide under
the bed, hope you won’t end up dead.

Hey there little sleepy boy!
One day you will grow so strong. So strong you will
defend them all, like a superhero punch daddy through the wall.
Be a good boy as mommy said and pray daddy won’t
fall asleep with a burning cigarette in his hand.

Hey there little sleepy kids!
Your window is on the second floor, easy to jump, maybe
break one bone. You’ve already done it twice, what’s some more?
Now close your eyes like mommy said, tomorrow is a brand new
day for you to listen mommy explain how again she fell down the stairs.

By Luna


#savingme is the column where abuse victims can publish their experiences just to let go and find comfort and support. Maybe it doesn’t feel like much but just publishing your story for others to read makes you strong. You can send your story about the abuse you went through to savingmestory@gmail.com and you can choose if you want it to be anonymous or not. More details here. 

15 thoughts on “Abused children’s lullaby

  1. Unfortunately, all too true and all too sad. Kids just need a chance to be kids. Allan

  2. Hey, I wanted to ask something. Can we write stories about abuse which are not necessarily our stories? Maybe, stories we’ve heard from others or our stories but expressed as fiction?

    1. Yes, but make sure to write in the e-mail if it’s your story, your story expressed as fiction or someone elses
      Can’t wait to see what you’ll send my way 🙂

      1. Thanks. Have sent you the email.🙂

      2. Could you maybe resend it to savingmestory@gmail.com because I didn’t receive anything?

      3. Sent it again. Did you receive it?

      4. Yup! Posting it as we speak.

      5. Ohh? Cool!😀

      6. Thank you for doing this, Luna! Writing it out actually made me feel strong. You’re doing a great job.

      7. And so are you honey. The post is up 😘

      8. Yeah, just saw it. Thanks again.😀

  3. I always feel like I’ve been kicked in the gut when I read your writing!! Trust me it’s a good thing.

    1. Thank you so much 🙂

      1. I didn’t grow up with a drunk father that beat on my mom,but I grew up in a bad home. My step father (ten years older than me) was a nasty man,a woman chaser.any woman he met. My friends.moms friends.any woman., He didn’t rape me but was always trying things,and it was terrible. Sad what kids go through. It ruins a life. I got out at 16 . never got over my bad childhood.

      2. I am so sorry you had to go through that
        If you want you can send your story for #savingme. Don’t worry, it can be anonymous.

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