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Fuck my life.

Why does life have to be so cruel?

So, let me tell you what I am being a drama queen about today!

I have had, since the beginning of time, a very bad relationship with food. Literally, since I was born there was something wrong with my metabolism, I was always ill, I was underweight as a child, there was always some issue but I have never been tested to see if I am allergic to anything.

So my dumb ass decided that enough was enough. I am 24 years old and I can no longer live with my stomach constantly hurting and thinking about what is going to happen to me after I’ve had food in a restaurant. I decided to go and do a test to see if I am intolerant to any food or food group and surprise, surprise I AM!

I know that there are people who do not approve of food intolerance testing but I had to start from somewhere. Let me tell you, that shit is expensiveeeeee. I knew that the “food elimination” diet will not work for me. I cannot keep a food diary and I am not the type of person to stand around in stores reading food labels. I will have to become that person now.

The standard, I am intolerant to wheat. I was expecting this because I know how my tummy reacts to certain things so this is not surprising. Now, for the most painful part, I am kind of intolerant to barley which makes me intolerant to beer. Are we going down the rabbit hole of my posts and try to count how many times did I write “I am going to have a couple of beers with my friends” or “I am just going to relax, watch Netflix and have a beer.”? I wonder why have I been feeling so ill all the time?

There were many things on the list that I am intolerant to and one of those things were egg whites. You know what’s funny? At the beginning of this year when I was trying to get my life together and eat better and lose some weight, I was counting my calories. In order to eat less calories, I was eating only egg whites and threw away the yolk. I am regretting this currently. Egg whites cause the worse reaction in my body according to what the clinic sent me so that is for sure going out of my diet and I don’t know what to think about it.

I am not going to take all of this as facts and just go out and eat grass for the rest of my life like a cow. I have an appointment booked with the nutritionist on Friday and I am going to wait and see what she will have to say. I am guessing that I can eat some of the foods I am intolerant to in small amounts because I am not allergic to them. We shall see!

I know that food intolerance is not the same as a food allergy but if there is the slightest possibility that adapting my diet a bit would lead to me not having as many stomach problems, I am in! I am just exhausted with my tummy issues because it has really been going on since I was born and the explanation for why I had such bad digestion as a kid is also explained in this test because I am intolerant to casein which is a protein found in breast milk. This is the reason why I believe this test is not complete bullshit.

Since I can remember, whenever my mother talked about me as a baby there was always the sentence that I was crying and screaming a lot and that the doctors were telling here that I might be allergic to something, some type of food and they tried to reassure her that it wasn’t her milk so she breastfed me for a very long time. No wonder I have awful digestion. Thank you doctors from Germany who didn’t test me in time because the tests were allegedly to expensive, my 24 years old broken metabolism is thrilled you decided not to do that.

So this is what I have been dealing with today. Did I cry when I saw the results? Yes. I cannot imagine my life without eggs and wheat and cheese and all the stuff that brings me joy when it comes to food but health comes first. I am going to try and not panic until Friday when I have my appointment so you can expect an update then.

I hope you are having a better Friday then I am. If any of you ever dealt with stuff like this, do share your advice in the comments!

Sending love and positive vibes,

Latest Poem: Poem #371
Youtube videos: Luna’s channel
Latest Coffee Date: Montenegro is a country
Latest #savingme: Scared of my Memories
Life updates: Knock, knock! It’s me – Anxiety

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