Poem Prayer

May i write a poem
so to melt your beating heart
bridge the space between us
that has kept us far apart

Words so true and clear that there
is no more use denying
all the love we have to give
before our bodies die

Might i craft a song to sing
or story for to tell
with a vision for our lives
ringing like a bell

Read with awe and wonder
as the words flow like a spring
waters pure and cold emerge
to quench the thirst you bring

Let me write just one more sonnet
ere my body rest
you might read to suckle words
like babes upon your breast ~

Blog: https://ozarkwaterpal.wordpress.com/

Shawn Porter is an aspiring poet, musician / songwriter, organic farmer and forager, making home in the  Arkansas Ozarks.

If you would like to have your work published in The Poetry Bar send your poem, a few words about yourself and the link to your blog and Instagram account to the e-mail poetrybar1@gmail.com

10 thoughts on “Poem Prayer

  1. After i sent this to Luna, i also sent her a note with my reservations around posting .. i’m not sure i like it anymore, judging it to be overly dependent on rhyme and rhythm but lacking deeper meaning. I have this concern with several of my poems, but also assume it is part of my learning. At any rate.. here is the final draft of this one.. somewhat more to my liking, but still wondering.. is it good, or is it just a donut.. soft and sweet.? …. Love in Words

    Might i write a poem song
    to warm your beating heart
    Bridge the space between
    what ‘er keeps us far apart
    Words so true and clear
    that there is no point in denying
    All the love we have to give
    before our flesh be dying
    Might i craft a song to sing
    or story for to tell
    With a vision for our lives
    that rings just like a bell
    Reading humble words that tumble
    flowing like a spring
    Waters pure that merge and quench
    the drying thirst you bring
    Let me write just one more poem
    lest our bodies rest
    You might hold close to your heart
    a babe upon your breast ~

  2. No clue where two came from write it out of your memory.

  3. 👍👍👍

  4. I especially like the quenching of thirst bit. It’s so deep (as springs can be)

  5. Very beautifully written

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  6. Wonderful post ✍️

  7. This poem feels like a beautiful affirmation or incantation. Love it. ❤️

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